Want to learn a Renaissance skill?

I teach DIY classes through Zoom or in-person to adults and children on international crafts, languages, art, music, sewing, writing, parties, dance, travel, and nature. Want to learn a new Renaissance skill? Or to increase your life satisfaction and live more authentically? Want to get your kids unplugged? The key is to keep things super simple. Check out some of my DIY projects or ask me about my classes.


What are your dragons?

Our inner voices can work for or against us. We all have dragons–negative or self-conscious voices that tell us not to do things. I’ve spent a lifetime fighting against those voices and teaching my students to do the same. We have to challenge our comfort zones to really grow–and travel, love, create, learn, etc.!. I’ve made friends with my dragons and learned to connect with them through writing, art, travel, and dance.

  • Join an adventure…

    About me: I’m a San Diego high school teacher, flamenco dancer, writer, and artist who speaks French, Mandarin, and Spanish and grew up making everything because I had eccentric and stubborn Renaissance immigrant parents. I also love the ocean, […]

  • Summer rehabilitation starts with the sea

    Teachers give too much during the school year. They call it “empathy burnout.” It used to be just teaching the material in an effective and equitable way, but now it’s about policing mental health, phones, social skills, learning difficulties, […]

  • Enter the Dragon…and overcoming anxiety  

    Sometimes I imagine that I’m in a shiny red kung fu robe and about to face off with my most fearsome enemies. I think about how I come from a long dynasty of kick ass women who overthrew Tang […]