Sometimes I imagine that I’m in a shiny red kung fu robe and about to face off with my most fearsome enemies. I think about how I come from a long dynasty of kick ass women who overthrew Tang Dynasty traditions to climb steep mountains and train with the fierce monks. My fork-shaped sai swords are tucked into a gold sash around my waist. I flex knuckles wrapped in leather. Ancient warrior blood flows through me. I’m strong, confident, invincible.

But…this isn’t true at all. Truth is, I’m an insecure, anxious mother, writer, artist, teacher, and dancer who spends most days fighting off voices telling me not to do the things I love.

Anxiety? Isn’t that the buzz word of our post-Covid generation?

I’ve lived with it all of my life and have tries both natural and prescription remedies to keep it in check. I’ve got it down to a mild buzz in my life, but some days, especially with less sleep and more stress and overscheduling, it flares up. I know my anxiety may never go away. But I’ve found a few things that help me feel better day to day: pursuing my passions, meditation and exercise, journaling, and continuing to take risks and do the things that scare me. I’m here to encourage you to do the same!

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